Do you roll your eyes on facebook and instagram when you see pictures of people who have the perfect life! Ugh, I mean they travel, they wear designer clothes, and oh my word, they get flowers every week from bae; And worse, you compare yourself to them and wonder why you just can’t have what they’ve got? 

These days with so many people sharing their lives on social media it’s so easy to get caught up on what someone else is doing and how they’re doing it. 

This week on FVL TV, I talk about the reality of people’s lives and the expectations it may have for your own life. 

If you find yourself thinking anyone’s life on social media is perfect and you secretly feel if you had what they have your life would be so much better; then this vlog is for you.

Watch and learn a different way of looking at social media that will help you not compare your life to others.

I would love to know your thoughts in the comments below!

Q: In your opinion, what life choices can be influenced by social media?

I love hearing from you! Hope your day is awesome 🙂

Always and Forever,


Verse of the Week: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Galations 1:10


This last year has been an amazing year of transformation for me. In fact…scratch that. I’ve been transforming into who God needs me to be for several years now, but in the last year I’ve worked on myself, my life, and of course my business in an intentional way. 

Has God been working with you on a particular problem or way of life that you need to let go of? It can sometimes feel really uncomfortable changing things in your life, right? Especially when you’ve been doing it for years!. Yup, I know that feeling. 

This week on FVL TV, I share 3 things I’ve had to change in the last year in order for me to live a happier life. I’m gonna be bold and say that you may need to change these same things too.

Watch this vlog and learn how transformation begins on the inside and what simple things you can start doing now to elevate yourself into the woman God created you to be. Happiness and joy is a decision.

I would love to know from you in the comments below!

Q: What have you had to change that’s made your life so much better?

I can’t wait to hear from you girl! 

Always and Forever,


Verse of the Week: “Give me happiness oh Lord, for I give myself to you.” Psalm 86:4


The other day I was taking a walk and enjoying this springtime weather in December. I started thinking about where I was last year at this time and how much things have changed. 

You know, when I first decided to start my business I had so many fears and it almost paralyzed me for sometime until I told fear to step aside because I’m about to do this!

In this vlog, I share a bit about some of the fears I experienced and how you can be stopping yourself from experiencing all that God has for you, all because of this itty bitty trickster named fear. 

Just a little motivation as I take my afternoon walk….

Leave a comment under the video and share,

Q:  What can you do right now to push past your fears, and make this a year of increase and influence.

Love Always,


Verse of the Week: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7


The other day I was detangling my hair and getting ready to wash and style it.  All of a sudden I started thinking about all the hard work I’ve put into growing my hair from 2 inches to waist length. 

It has definitely been a process, and one similar to running a business I might add. 

Similar in the sense that, certain things I’ve done to grow my hair, I do to grow my business. 

I’m sure at this point you’re like, “huh, Nozi! but how?”

Well, here is a vlog of just how I’ve managed to use my natural hair as inspiration for starting and growing my business. 

This is important stuff.

Your business is meant to start from scratch and evolve into unimaginable growth and impact. 

Your perception is key in accepting where you are in your business journey and understanding that where you are right now is an increase from where you were a month ago. 

Q: What are some lessons that you’ve learned in your life or business journey so far?

I would love to hear what you’ve learned! Plus, I’m sure you may give someone else another lesson they can implement in their life and business.

Believe in your potential from the very beginning.

Always and Forever,


Verse of the Week: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

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